Arnout Nederpelt
Arnout is the District 59’s Program Quality Director for 2020-2021.
He is your key resource in the District on all Toastmasters Education topics and Quality in your Club, Area and Division.
Contact PQD Arnout pqd@district59.org.
Dear Toastmasters,
It has come to my attention that there is some discussion on how to interpret the Speech Contest Rulebook, particularly with regards to the Eligibility rules and how they apply to the non-English speech contests.
To promote consistency among the clubs, I would like to clarify how these rules are interpreted by the District.
Eligibility rules for contestants are mostly identical as before this year, save for one exception: the rule that requires contestants to have completed 6 speeches or 2 Pathways levels (Section 2.A.2.a) only applies to the International Speech Contest, e.g. English prepared speech.
Find more resources about the Contests for this year (2020-2021),
see you in the District’s Blog > here.
Thus this rule does not apply to the other 5 contests: Dutch and French prepared speech, Dutch, French or English Evaluation.
My last words here will be for all our contestants …all our champions, and members organizing these important appointments in the Clubs, Areas, Divisions all around the District, in The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium and France:
Best of luck organising your contests, and see you at the District Conference!
It is nice to have this clear, concise explanation
Happy to read that it is clear and useful for you. All the best and luck in organising your contest(s), Frank! 🙂 (Sabrina, PRM of the District)