Dear fellow Toastmasters,
the 2nd round Club Officers Training has to take place between December 1st and February 28th.
Tips for the Mid Year COT
- Decide as Division Council if you organise a training per Area, a joint training with two or more Areas or a training for the whole Division in a Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) format.
- Ask your club officers if they have special training needs.
- Use the evaluation of the 1st round COT/TLI and the Area Governor’s Club visit reports to identify themes for the training. For example: retaining members, attracting new members, leadership track, mentoring, organising contests, newly chartered clubs, starting new clubs, identifying successors, etc.
- Look for workshop leaders in your expert pool, amongst participants in a speaker-to-trainer program or amongst members who have to fulfil advanced manual requirements.
- Check the Club Officer Training manual on:
- http://www.toastmasters.org/~/media/4A1E946FD6E549779F0827F2DAA14C0B.ashx
- Check the agendas of other Divisions and Areas on easy-speak to gather ideas:
- http://tmclub.eu/portal.php?page=17
- Check http://www.district59.org/leaders/rolestraining/club-officers-training/ for more tips.
- When composing the program for this second training, be sure to provide opportunities for club officers to discuss problems and network with other officers.
Please complete the form after your training on http://www.district59.org/leaders/reports-
downloads/forms/ and return it to lget@district59.org before 31 March.
Good luck and enjoy your training!
Marike Dijksterhuis
Lt. Governor Education and Training