Message from District Governor (April 2015)

Jaap Russchenberg, District Governor
Jaap Russchenberg, District Governor

Dear Fellow Toastmasters,
How time flies! It’s hard to believe that already next month our Spring Conference will take place in Porto. What a great year it has been! Our motto this year is Together we make a Difference and that’s exactly what we’ve done: together we’ve created more clubs, we’ve welcomed more members, and we’ve promoted Toastmasters even more and more in our communities and companies. And most of all, we’ve had more fun along the way!

On behalf of the Executive Core Team, I’m delighted to say that our District is on track to achieve President’s Distinguished once again, thanks to you!

The Fall Conference in Lyon was a memorable celebration for members who came from the eight countries that make up our new-look, smaller but more intimate District. I’m sure our Spring Conference in Porto will be just as memorable!

In Porto we will get the opportunity to hear speeches and evaluations in English, French and Portuguese. We’ll also have the opportunity to attend motivating workshops that will inspire us to step even further outside our comfort zones to become the better Communicators and Leaders we want to be! And of course, the International Speech Contest winner will go forward to represent our District at the World Convention in Las Vegas in August.

If you can’t make it to Porto in May, make sure you stay tuned to Facebook and Twitter where we will keep you updated on what’s happening, and of course, who the winners of the various contests are.

I wish you further success in the weeks and months ahead as we approach the end of this very successful Toastmasters year 2014-2015.

Jaap Russchenberg, DTM

1 thoughts on “Message from District Governor (April 2015)”

  • We are all looking forward to welcome you in English, in French and also very, very specially in Portuguese!!
    See you in May!!

    Luís Marrana
    Invicta Toastmasters President
    PR Conference

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