DOT Leadership pre-work for Lille

Deadline before Sunday, January 30

The Leadership workshop team is Lucy Sennef, DTM; Erik Hesselink; and Dermot Murphy, DTM.Your input before Sunday, January 30, helps them develop the workshop. Email and

  • Focus on your experience as a leader over the past 6 months. What was your attitude towards the concept of leadership before you started. Has that concept changed in the past 6 months? 
  • What do you think you have done well? 
  • What have you not done well (in your opinion). 
  • Do you have a mentor to help you develop as a leader? 
  • Have you had the opportunity to get feedback from other TM members or friends outside TM?
  • What are your objectives until June 2022? 
  • Have you revised your objectives since July 2021? 

In preparation for our District Officer Training in Lille, France, February 5, 2022.This is your pre-work before Sunday, January 30.


Jan 30 2022


8:00 - 17:00




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