Champion Speaker Workshop, by Div. E (online)
The contest season is coming up in a couple of months, and you to participate this time.
Preparing for a contest can be a very frustrating process; what should be my topic, what’s a good message, how do I structure it, how do I make sure I don’t forget any parts, how to incorporate storytelling and deliver it with ease, self-confidence and charisma. And all within in a timeframe of 7 minutes and 30 seconds max, otherwise you are disqualified.
During this workshop, three skilled speakers and former contest winners live or on-line will guide you through this process in the light of the modes of persuasion of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristoteles: Logos (the appeal to logic) Dirceu da Silva, Pathos (the emotional appeal) Helmi Tatanaki and Ethos (the ethical appeal) Ilona Ruitenberg.
Please register here: https://tmclub.eu/view_agenda.php?t=154127.
To join on the D-day: https://zoom.us/j/98682913527?pwd=YjQxNU1HTms3bGQwNDkwT2tUc0NTZz09.
Your contact: Milena Loga, Div. E Program Quality in-charge mloga@mcdermott.com.