Corporate clubs and corporate summits


Ruxandra Balboa-Pöysti, PRO D59
Ruxandra Balboa-Pöysti, PRO D59

12500 corporate clubs – meaning clubs established at the workplace, in more than 100 countries, that’s the corporate side of our organization that counts 14350 clubs in 122 countries. Yes, Toastmasters has more of a corporate identity than most of us might first have thought.

Toastmasters Virtual speakers (Kone)
Toastmasters Virtual speakers (Kone)

As a district, we have considered this issue: how can we support the creation of (more) corporate clubs in your city – as the proportion of corporate and non corporate clubs in Continental Europe is slightly lower than the average worldwide?

This week, we invite you to reflect on this possibility on the basis of a series of documents (blogs, texts, videos, etc.) that we will share with you across our different social media channels

Mainly created to this occasion, the whole list of shared files will be then stored on the district website under a thematic page that we hope will make it easier for you to access the resources you need.

One of the possible strategies to help such corporate clubs emerge is to organize “corporate summits” meaning events intended for executives with HR responsibilities during which they are presented with the specific HR benefits of an in-house Toastmasters club. These corporate summits will take place in Helsinki (27th February), Lisbon (31st March), Brno (11th April) and Zurich (12th June)

Presentations will revolve around four words that are key in the human resources development field at the moment:

experiential (where the learning and personal development processes are based on experience and observation)

self-paced (designed to be used at the learner’s own pace)

mentor-driven (a mentor encourages and supports the learner to maximize its potential and develop own skills)

peer-feedback (co-workers, collaborators giving feedback)

an entire audience to evaluate a performance: that's Toastmasters
an entire audience to evaluate a performance: that’s Toastmasters

As you know, peer-feedback is a Toastmasters brand feature that no personal coach, no HRD consulting company can compete with, as it is a tradition to have the entire audience evaluate a speech or a presentation as well as several people ponder on a specific Toastmasters leadership project.

These features built upon at Toastmasters clubs not only cultivate synegies between various departments in a company – and beyond if the club is open to non-corporate members, but nurture new collaborative paths that corporations will ultimately benefit from, and a reinforced feeling of trust and confidence between co-workers will ensue. New collaborative models also enhance the possibility for innovation and this is crucial to any business.

Help us help you: if you are an executive with HR responsibilities, if you have such business connnections we should approach in the targeted cities mentioned above, please e-mail our corporate summits coordinators  Tuire Vuolasvirta and Luis Caetano or for the Helsinki corporate event David Gelkin

And we will soon add a club you mentored or sponsored to the corporate clubs below! THANKS!

SHAPE   International Toastmasters Club
Danube Sparrows Club
Cronos Toastmasters
Evora Toastmasters Club
Sokrates Torun
Mind Business Toastmasters Club
UBS Rhetoric Club CH
Shell Toastmasters at Rijswijk
EPFL Toastmasters
Swisscom Rhetorik Club
Morgan Stanley Toastmasters Budapest
Speech Masters Toastmasters Club
WrocLove Speakers
Abbott Swiss Toastmasters
Toastmasters Lublin
Speakers’ Corner @ USG Professionals
Horgen Talk’n’Heads Toastmasters Club
HP Toastmasters Barcelona
Malaga PTA
Pionier Rzeszów Toastmasters
Pardubice Enthusiasts Club
Saber Toastmasters
Famous Wiesbaden Toastmasters Club
Ramstein Toastmasters
Toastmasters Sevilla
V.I.C. Toastmasters Club
Toastmasters Bialystok
Pestana Sintra Toastmasters Club
ToastMasterCard Club
Atomium Toastmasters of Brussels
Nokia House Toastmasters Club
Nyon Toastmasters Club
Lisboa Oriente Toastmasters
Ericsson Stockholm Toastmasters
Ericsson Madrid R&D
EBSC Toastmasters
PwC Communication & Leadership Club
To Be Discussed
Adecco Toastmasters Club
Agora Almeda
Toastmasters Club CTP Zurich
Tecmaia Toastmasters Club
Toastmasters STCA
Forum des Rives de Seine
Brno Toastmasters
JTI Toastmasters Club
Stenden Toastmasters
Business Speakers Toastmasters Club
Lisbon MBA Toastmasters Club
Leiria Toastmasters Club
The Leader Ship
Rhetorik Club Swiss Life
Budapest ExxonMobil Associates’   Toastmasters Club
NRC Toastmasters
Oporto Toastmasters Club
Young Entrepreneurs Toastmasters Club
Elavon Frankfurt
EIB Toastmasters Club


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2 thoughts on “Corporate clubs and corporate summits”

  • Out of 31 chartered clubs in Poland there are only 2 corporate ones: State Street Toastmasters in Kraków and Toast @ Capgemini in WrocÅ‚aw.
    We should remember that corporate clubs are relatively easy to establish and difficult to maintain at a desirable level of performance.

  • Hi Jerzy, I understand your argument. Often clubs start by simply gathering at corporate locations, and then they turn into corporate clubs. That’s an ideal situation somehow as there is a lot of Toastmasters-specific knowledge accumulated in this manner.

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