Call for Workshops in Lyon Conference 21-23 November 2014 is open!

lyonDo you have a great idea other Toastmasters could learn from? Are you willing to inspire us and give us food for thought? Can you show us the benefits of a new approach?

We are looking for presenters who offer original, informative 40-45 minutes quality workshops that are relevant to the conference theme and one of the three focus tracks:

  1. Business/Professional > serving people in a professional capacity
  2. Communication Skills > contributing to speaking and presentation goals
  3. Leadership > contributing to club building or career building goals

Send us your idea, and you just might be one of the lucky ones selected to share your ideas with Toastmasters all over District 59.

How do you apply?

Just click here and fill out the online form.

ļæ¼The deadline is 30 September 2014

If you have any questions, please contact SeĢbastien Carriere atļæ¼
Weā€™re looking forward to receiving your proposals!

SeĢbastien Carriere and the Education Team
District 59 Fall Conference Happy in Lyon

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2 thoughts on “Call for Workshops in Lyon Conference 21-23 November 2014 is open!”

  • It would be useful to have details of what is required (could be a listing or a PDF document) for completing the online form so that subitters can make adequate preparation of required content.

    • Hi Sean,

      You can use the form provided (!/call-for-workshops) without submitting any information.

      For the submission you’ll have to fill the following information (besides some bio info):
      – Workshop title (Less than 10 words)
      – Description (Less than 250 words)
      – Purpose (What will we learn ?)
      – Relevant track (Business/Professional; Communication skills; Leadership skills)
      – Pitch-able Summary (2-3 sentences & bullets)
      – Audio visual requirements (if any)

      Thanks for your comment.

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